You can set your storage settings in two ways.
The first is directly in createStorage
the second is defaultConfig
The difference is that when the setting is set in createStorage,
it will only fit the scope of that storage. Already when defined
in defaultConfig, it will be arrayed globally for all storages
Below you will see a complex example of a storage configuration.
import { defaultConfig, createStorage } from 'stagync/src'
import Memory from 'stagync-storage-memory'
database: 'myDb',
storage: Memory,
syncErrorHandler (err) {
profiles: {
schema: {
age: {
type: 'number'
active: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true
tags: {
type: 'array'
firstName: {
type: 'string'
lastName: {
type: 'string'
fullName: { // Virtual prop
async get () {
const {firstName, lastName} = await this.get()
return firstName + ' ' + lastName
listener: ['fisrtName', 'lastName']
nickname: { // Virtual prop
get () {
return 'Assis'
methods: {
console.log(`Init storage ${}`)
async getNames(){
const { nickname, firstName, lastName, fullName } = await this.get()
return { nickname, firstName, lastName, fullName }
In the following pages, we will understand the properties passed in the creation of this storage.