Get Prop

import { storages } from 'stagync'

const { websites } = storages

async function getProps(){
  const urlsAlt = await websites.get('urls')
  console.log('urlsAlt', urlsAlt)
  // or
  const urlsProps = await websites.props.urls.get()
  console.log('urlsProps', urlsProps)

Line by Line
  • Line 1: In the first line of this example, we import all available arrays. This is possible thanks to the createStorage function presented in the previous step.
  • Line 3: Next we look at websites of the storages object, this brings more clarity to the code. But we could simply use storages.websites.
  • Line 5: Most features available in a storage are excreted asynchronously. For better readability we use a function declaring async as the scope of our application.
  • Line 6: Finally we retrieve the value of the urls property, as we haven’t modified it yet we will retrieve the default value.
  • Line 9: Another way to retrieve the urls property is by using props resources, it abstracts and adds new features to your property, such as add and remove that can be used to enter new values in properties of type array and object.
  • Line 13: Finally, let’s execute the getProps function. You will see on your application console the default value of the urls property.
  await websites.set('urls', [''])
  // or
  await websites.props.urls.set([''])
  // Insert
  await websites.props.urls.add('')

Now let’s modify and insert new items to the urls property. Using set will override the value, while user add will enter new values into the array. Add can only be run from props.

At this point the value of the urls property should be this:

['', '']

Next: Set and add prop